
Do you need brief, direct feedback tailored to your situation, or a place to discuss possibilities? I offer consultation as a way to give more general information, or to help someone who does not need ongoing counseling with a decision or life event. Often this is about specific parenting challenges, or related to adoption questions.
Consultations are typically one to two sessions, or occur over a period of time. You bring your questions and concerns and I offer observations, suggestions and resources for your situation based on my experience and training. I share some beginning resources here, which give a flavor of my expertise and approach. Many people choose to have a consultation before seeking therapy.
Contact me at 617-855-5749 or [email protected] to set up a consultation today.
Common consultation topics include:
Consultations are typically one to two sessions, or occur over a period of time. You bring your questions and concerns and I offer observations, suggestions and resources for your situation based on my experience and training. I share some beginning resources here, which give a flavor of my expertise and approach. Many people choose to have a consultation before seeking therapy.
Contact me at 617-855-5749 or [email protected] to set up a consultation today.
Common consultation topics include:
- How can I be more effective in connecting with & parenting my distant teen?
- My child/teen is anxious, impulsive, or emotionally dysregulated? How do I begin to help them?
- Does my child/teen need therapy or testing?
- How do I prepare my child for a trip to their birth country?
- What information is developmentally appropriate to share with my child about their difficult history?
- I am thinking of expanding my family through adoption? How do I decide which option to pursue?
- Are my child/teen's challenges are typical for an adopted person or something more?
- How do I begin searching for or re-connecting with birth family?
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